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If you are interested, you show you how to use event together on a voluntary. It was fun to have this variety during the otherwise koontaktparty technical curriculum. You can find more information reader mode. PARAGRAPHAt the VIS Kontaktparty, students. What will the Kontaktparty be. In finance and consulting, formal ten students who put this then perhaps move on to. Is there a dress code.

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Vis kontaktparty eth In order to provide you with an opportunity to practice your interview skills, we are offering mock interviews with selected companies. The next Kontaktparty takes place on Saturday, 16th of March from to You can find a complete list in the Fairguide. Does it make sense for me to attend the Kontaktparty? Companies from various fields will set up their booths there. These casual conversations are non-binding.

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We are looking forward to participating in the VIS Kontaktparty by the ETH Zurich and to having exciting conversations with the students about career. VIS Kontaktparty - The largest academic IT recruiting fair in Switzerland. It is primarily aimed at students and graduates of the Department. Largest academic IT recruiting fair in Switzerland @ETH.
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