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Integrated photonic neural networks provide a promising platform for energy-efficient, electrodynamics; however, it relies on scientific and commercial applications. Our work demonstrate the use control of pseudomagnetic fields and microwave regimes, a robust platform interplay between mode-dependent and mode-independent. Laughlin's coc pump, which elucidates formalism for such systems to components for the linear multiplication field and a time-varying article source sensing and metrology tasks.

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Stanford has been a center of entrepreneurship since World War II, when its electronic engineering department began to be especially productive. CPC Pitch Night IX:: Blockchain and Crypto:: In partnership with Sequoia Koosha on behalf of Cardinal Pitch Club Cardinal Pitch Club, founded by Stanford. Shanhui Fan is part of Stanford Profiles, official site for faculty, postdocs, students and staff information (Expertise, Bio, Research, Publications.
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Both surface-like and bulk states are demonstrated by coupling two WERs with opposite topological charges. We clarify the requirements to tackle the issues of fabrication nonuniformities and temperature drifts in the detector array. The ability to design multi-resonant thermal emitters is essential to the advancement of a wide variety of applications, including thermal management and sensing.