Why are crypto currencies down

why are crypto currencies down

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A nonfungible token, or NFT, at PolyientX, a platform for nonfungible token projects, said the landscape of crypto was originally decoupled from the traditional economy, central bank moves to fight. Cryptocurrency drop: Bitcoin, Ethereum among cryptocurrencies losing value amid investor.

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This means that the movements in its price are based purely on speculation among investors about whether it will rise or fall in future. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This means that prices will continue to change as investors, users, and governments work through the initial growing pains and concerns until prices stabilize�if a stable point can be reached. This includes forcing investors to wait 24 hours after depositing money into cryptocurrency exchanges before they can access it. Supply and demand influence the prices of most commodities more than any other factor.