Does square accept wire transfer from crypto

does square accept wire transfer from crypto

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That's a good question @mslavender - You can definitely accept card payments from your customers for the sale of genuine goods or services. With Square, you can choose when to receive your funds. We offer a couple of options � our standard transfer schedule, a custom transfer schedule (tailored. Find out how Square helps small businesses accept credit cards, and track sales and inventory through their mobile point of sale (POS).
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You can buy bitcoin, then sell it for a profit and withdraw those profits to your bank account. Wire transfers can be useful for things like sending a large payment to a relative who lives abroad or making a down payment on a car. And I was NOT permitted to call in to discuss the transaction i was told "phone support is not available for this account" by the website though i see square advertising live phone support for All customers! Restricted Use You will not act as a payment facilitator or otherwise resell the Payment Services to any third party. These payments make it easy and generally safe to send money long distances.